Child ADHD Assessment
Our clinicians are highly experienced and trained to assess and formally diagnose ADHD in children age 6 to 17.
Why go with us?
Our assessors have worked with neurodivergent people for decades.
We have completed relevant ADHD training including the ACE+ Diagnostic Interview.
We have links to private prescribers if your child would like to start ADHD medication.
We understand the range of ADHD presentations in children and how they can present in different contexts.
Child ADHD Screening
The ADHD initial screening assessment will allow you an opportunity to highlight your child's current difficulties and the impact that they may be having on their school, social and home life. As part of the process I will ask you to complete a number of questionnaires which will be used to inform my clinical decision regarding whether we should proceed to a full ADHD diagnostic assessment. If I do not deem a full ADHD assessment necessary, I will produce a written report with my formulation and recommendations for next steps. All ADHD initial screening assessments are held online and the cost is £150 for an appointment lasting up to one hour. If we move on to the full ADHD diagnostic assessment, this can be face to face or online.
Child ADHD Measures
Before the full assessment takes place, you will be asked to complete a series of questionnaires and forms including the Conners 4. The Conners 4 is a well-recognised tool that has three components (Teacher, Parent and Child) and is used to help your clinician gain an objective understanding of how your child’s ADHD symptoms may have affected them both at home and school. The clinician will email the Conners 4 to a chosen staff member at your child’s school and ask them to complete it before the specified assessment date. You will also be asked to provide the clinician with any other relevant information (such as previous assessment reports or school information that highlight your child’s ADHD related difficulties).
ADHD Child Assessment
​Your child’s ADHD assessment is conducted in a 2-hour session. This can be conducted in person at a clinic in Bournemouth or virtually via Microsoft Teams. We use a series of assessment tools including semi-structured clinical interviewing along with the diagnostic ADHD Child Evaluation (ACE). The clinician will take a detailed assessment of your child’s presenting symptoms, psychiatric history, developmental history, past medical history, developmental history, and family history.
ADHD Assessment Feedback
The clinician will review all the information gathered and map that against the DSM-V diagnostic criteria. Once a diagnostic decision has been finalised, the clinician will be in touch to confirm the outcome and discuss the best form of support for your child moving forward. Examples of support options include a recommendation for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) application and/or for a therapeutic intervention.
Child ADHD Report
A comprehensive report will be produced and emailed to you. The wait for the report is typically two weeks. The report will include a detailed analysis of the assessment content, a formulation, a diagnostic outcome, and tailored recommendations. If you do not meet the criteria for a formal diagnosis, there is always a formulation as to why not and what else might be going on instead (e.g., mental health condition, alternative neurodevelopmental condition).

Get in Touch
Send us a message today to begin the process.